Il fenomeno di studenti di High School che fanno uso di sostanze "non lecite" sembra in vertiginoso aumento.
Negli anni scorsi era circolato un questionario presso gli studenti di Middle School e High School sul tema. Ai ragazzi veniva chiesto di rispondere in forma anonima ed i risultati erano stati piuttosto allarmanti. In parte era stata messa in dubbio la veridicita' di questi dati, perche' i ragazzi potendo rispondere in forma anonima, sembrava avessero dato sfogo alla loro creativita'.
Poi pero' un fatto grave e' successo a scuola: alcuni ragazzi si sono sentiti male durante le lezioni e la diagnosi e' stata che avevano assunto sostanze non lecite.
Ovviamente sono subito circolate le voci piu' disparate e subito il preside si e'attivato per condividere con le famiglie degli studenti e la comunita'. Sono stato organizzati incontri per i genitori degli attuali studenti di High School, ma anche per quelli di Middle e Elementary school con medici, pedagisti e psicologi per dare consigli e affrontare la situazione a casa e fuori
Gli studenti stessi si sono attivati per fare una raccolta speciale di medicinali non utiizzati: il messaggio era "se non vi servono sul momento, non lasciate a casa medicinali .. qualcuno potrebbe farne un uso non appropriato e pericoloso"
Vi allego la nota del preside della High School
Dear High School families:
We have recently identified a few High School students who have been using unlawful prescription medications in school. Discipline is the first step in these unfortunate cases; however, we also offer these students and their families our support and resources. While doing our due diligence, we have also learned that these instances may not be as uncommon as we would hope and may not have been isolated to just a few students. The medication recently in question appear to be a Xanax-type of controlled substance. However, we have heard that this medication is likely an inexpensive, even more dangerous, “street” version of the drug. Please know that we are not experiencing a widespread epidemic but we do feel that we have a problem.
We are asking that you speak with your children about this issue in the hope that we can avoid a tragic event in our school and community. Our students need to understand that knowing something about such risky behavior, whether they are involved or just know someone who is, and not doing anything makes them complicit in the problem and this is not OK. I believe that this holds true for the adults in our community as well. I bring this to your attention because I feel a responsibility to address this problem directly before it grows and before it is too late.
Some high school students will make bad decisions. I accept that this will likely never change, and High School is certainly not the only school facing this issue. But I fully believe that we can and will do better when we all work together.
We need to recognize that the growing use of illegal drugs and prescription medications is an issue that could become something much worse very quickly. We need to help each other. Please have a conversation with your student(s) and ask them what they know about this concerning issue. Our doors are open to them and to you. Our staff is always available to meet with and support students and families who may need assistance.
Our families and students have our trust, support and respect. We will do all in our power to keep our students safe in school. Thank you for your willingness to partner with us on this effort.
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