giovedì 9 giugno 2016


Avevo parlato in un altro post della capacita' di questa comunita' di stringersi attorno ai suoi membri nei momenti di difficolta'.

Domenica scorsa, una famiglia ha dovuto abbandonare la propria casa che e' stata distrutta dal fuoco: una maestra della scuola elementare con i suoi tre figli si e' trovata improvvisamente senza piu' un tetto sopra la testa ne alcun oggetto che la loro casa conteneva .. tutto distrutto.

Immediatamente tutti si sono attivati ed e' partito un passaparola di cui la pagina Facebook dei residenti della nostra town e' stato buon amplificatore.

Alcune famiglie si sono rese disponibili per ospitarli temporaneamente, altre si sono attivate come punti di raccolta di materiale e altri hanno attivato un account su di sito per la raccolta di soldi (crowdfunding)

L'obiettivo, che ritenevo piuttosto ambizioso, era quello di raccogliere 10.000 $, ma questa soglia e' stata raggiunta in un soffio.  Dopo 24 ore era stato raccolto il doppio e in due giorni si e' arrivati a 30.000$

Non so se dire se e come questo atteggiamento di aiuto reciproco sia  diffuso in questa nazione che comunque nell'immaginario collettivo viene definita come "individualista".

Aggiungo la lettera che mi e' arrivata oggi

We are at $33,800 and climbing. It couldn't have been done without all of you. I always like to start by saying how thankful I am for all of your donations. It's not just the donations that need to be thanked, but all of the kind and generous actions by you kind folk. We can honestly feel your prayers, so keep them coming! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I honestly feel that I can never say it enough.
Many of you dropped off donations last night. I would like to express our gratitude to those of you who did. The clothes were greatly needed. We all know how nice it feels to slip on some fresh new clothes. It definitely helps lift your head when you are feeling a little low. Not to mention your spirits. The generous gift cards are going to good use. The kids can replace what was lost.
Many of you continue to ask what you can do to help. Keep sharing the fundraiser. That is such a simple task, but it can make a huge impact. Also, keep up with those prayers. Doesn't seem like much, but look at how far we have come. Also, sending heartfelt cards is a real boost. You can continue to send those, along with any gift cards to......
We have secured a storage facility. (Thank you! This was also also donated by another fabulous donor.) So over the next couple of days we will come up with a plan of action as to how to start dealing with the furniture donations. We are getting more and more organized everyday.

Mary, and family are very grateful for all of you. She seems a little more at peace, and is really starting to see the silver lining, so much so, it's starting to look gold.
Again, there just doesn't seem to quite be the perfect words to express to you all how grateful we are. So I'll just say it again. Thank you! You know how the the saying goes, "it takes a village"...well this village certainly proves it.
As always you can contact me at anytime, about anything. On behalf of Mary and family, with much love, thank you. ~ Eliza 💜

Oh, PS, if you all think another drop off night is needed, please let me know and I can organize one

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